Due to the Covid-19 situation the 2020 Dartmouth Regatta was cancelled, we are all still waiting to see what can happen in 2021. As soon as we know what is happening we will post our information here and on our Facebook page - Fingers Crossed! Check out https://www.dartmouthregatta.co.uk/ and social media for info on Regatta 2021.
The information and pictures below give you an idea of the fun and sounds at the G&D in past regatta weeks that we hope we can all get back to something like in future!
Dartmouth Royal Regatta is a highly anticipated event that brings the whole town together in a Party Mood, with visitors from all over the UK, Europe and the rest of the World. The Regatta Fair is held in the Mayors Avenue Car Park, right opposite the rear entrance to our Beer Garden, and all of the rowing, sailing and other water and air displays on and over the River and the whole of the town, can be seen from the Embankment, which is just 2 minutes’ walk away!
Wherever you have come from, and whatever your reason for coming, you can be sure of a friendly welcome at the George & Dragon, with good food and drink, plus great entertainment and a place to relax in between all of the many different Regatta events.
Best Regatta Advice - It is a long week - Pace yourselves!